About Marty Richards Resources


Marty Richards, Social WorkerFor more than 40 years, Marty Richards has been a social worker and teacher. Receiving her Masters of Social Work degree from the University of Washington in 1970, she has spent her career working in the community, in long term care facilities, and in institutions of higher learning.

Marty has worked with individuals and families and has also been a community educator. She frequently makes presentations at professional forums and within the religious community. She is the author of author ofCaresharing: A Reciprocal Approach to Caregiving and Care Receiving in the Complexities of Aging, Illness or Disability published by and available from SkyLight Paths Publishing. She is also the primary author of Choosing a Nursing Home: A Guidebook for Families, Eldercare: The Best Resources to Help You Help Your Aging Relatives, and Caregiving: Church & Family Together. She has also published several articles on the subject of eldercare.


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Find out more about Marty's book, CareSharing

Marty Richards is a State of Washington Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker. She is a member of the American Society on Aging (Governing Board of the Forum on Religion, Spirituality, and Aging- past Chair); the National Association of Social Workers - Academy of Certified Social Workers; and the National Council on the Aging.